1. Privacy and Cookie Notice

This website (https://superlinear.eu/) and any Superlinear applications, including our job recommender system, are the property of, and are actively managed by, Superlinear BVBA, a Belgium based AI Solutions company, established at 1000 Brussels, Cantersteen 47, registered under number BE 0660.746.974.

At Superlinear we do our utmost to protect and process the personal data that are entrusted to us in a correct and transparent way, more particularly in accordance with the applicable law and especially with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (« GDPR »).

Any questions you might have about your privacy and our personal data processing activities can be sent towards hello@superlinear.eu.

1.1 To Whom does this Privacy Notice apply?

This policy applies to all individuals whose personal data we process (legally defined as “data subjects”), including customers, website visitors and application users.

1.2 What does this Privacy Notice cover?

With this privacy notice, we wish to inform you about how and why we process your personal data, to whom we transmit this information, what your rights are and how you can exercise your rights or request more information.

1.3 Why do we use personal data?

Superlinear will only use personal data for the following pre-defined purposes:

  • Core processing operations (as a data processor):

    • As a data processor, on behalf of our customers when we deliver consultancy services towards our customers;

    • As a data processor, when our customers use our application(s), such as talent API.

      • Talent API is currently the only application under development and owned by Superlinear . Talent API is a deep learning application which successfully matches CVs with job descriptions.

  • Supporting processing operations (as a data controller):

    • To register customers;

    • To provide customer service;

    • To improve user experience;

    • To improve our deep learning algorithms;

    • To inform you about our activities and upcoming events, products and services from Superlinear or its partners;

    • For reporting and analytics purposes.

1.4 How did we obtain your personal data?

As a controller, Superlinear gathers personal data only through direct interaction (e.g. mail, visit on our website, …) between you (as a data subject) and us.

Additionally, our customers also upload personal data to our applications.

1.5 What personal data do we collect/use?

Superlinear only collects/uses the following WP29 categories of personal data:

  • Identification information

  • Personal characteristics

  • Life Habits

  • Leisure activities and interests

  • Education and training data

  • Profession and employment data

  • Images

Only data that is proactively shared by data subjects, within a CV, can deviate from the aforementioned categories. CVs sent for hiring purposes are only used for the hiring process and are only visible by employees involved in that process. They are retained for a period of 6 months after consent for processing is obtained.

1.6 Why are we allowed to use your personal data?

During the registration process, you agreed with the ‘general terms and conditions’ for using Superlinear's services. This registration can be seen as a contractual agreement, which allows us to process your personal data for the execution of the defined terms & conditions.

During the registration process Superlinear also asks for your consent for a number of secondary purposes. Superlinear will only use your data for these purposes if you subscribe to these services.

Finally, Superlinear needs to comply with some legal (e.g. traffic legislation) obligations which require the processing of personal data in order to enable you to use its services.

1.7 To whom do we transmit your personal data?

Superlinear only transmits/shares your personal data with the following third parties:

  • To cloud service providers (Amazon AWS)

1.8 Cookie Notice

The Superlinear website uses cookies. Cookies are small files of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s or mobile device’s hard drive.

Superlinear uses the following categories of cookies:

  • Website analytics

  • Customer interaction trackers.

The use of cookies is generally accepted and virtually all websites and applications use them. However, you have the right to disable cookies if you do not agree with their functionality.

If you block cookies, certain website functionalities might be lost. The blocking of cookies is explained within the following links:

This website or application may contain links to other websites. Although we try to only insert links to websites that share our own standards regarding data protection, we are neither responsible for the contents nor for the policy regarding data protection of those websites. This privacy notice only pertains to data collected by Superlinear.

1.9 Protection of your personal data?

Superlinear protects the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data. We use various technological and procedural security measures in order to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, alternation or destruction.

1.10 How long will your personal data be saved?

Superlinear will not store your personal data longer than required for the purposes defined within this privacy notice. Radix employs variable retention periods and has defined different retention periods for different data categories.

As a general rule, we can state that we retain identification personal data of customers for as long as they are an active customer of Superlinear . A customer is considered active as they have done business with Superlinear within the last 24 months. The personal data of inactive customers will be actively deleted seven years after they become inactive.

We do not define retention periods when Superlinear acts as a processor, as we are legally obligated to follow the retention periods defined by our customers.

Superlinear might retain anonymised data for statistical purposes.

1.11 Will your personal data be used for automated decision-making?

Automated decisions are decisions about persons which are based solely on the automated processing of personal data without any human intervention and which produces legal effects that significantly affect the persons involved.

The Superlinear ‘Talent API’ application is a deep learning application which creates automated lists of individuals that would be most suited for a job, based upon the information within the data subjects CV and the job description. Talent API should be seen as a tool to facilitate finding the match between applicants and jobs and should not be used without human intervention, such as job interviews. Furthermore, Radix has taken measures in order to prevent discrimination through the algorithm, such as not taking into account the gender or race of the applicants. Also, the algorithm is driven partly by applicant preferences, and partly by employee preferences.

The data subject shall have the right not to be subject to a decision solely based on automated processing, including profiling and to exercise its right to object against automated decision making. However, Superlinear only provides the tool as a data processor. The right to object must, therefore, be exercised at the data controller.

1.12 What are your rights?

You have several rights regarding the personal data that we process. In particular, you have the right:

  • to access your personal data and to make a copy of it;

  • to ask us to update or correct your personal data, if you think it is incorrect or incomplete;

  • to ask to delete your personal data, or to limit the way in which we use those data, if you think that we do not (or no longer) have any legitimate basis to process it;

  • to revoke your consent regarding the processing of your personal data (insofar the processing is based on your consent);

  • to receive your personal data in a structured, conventional and machine-readable form and to transfer it to another party (insofar the processing is based on authorization or the performance of an agreement);

  • to object against the processing of your personal data for which we use explicit consent or legitimate interest as a legal basis.

You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to hello@superlinear.eu.

You can also use this contact information if you wish to introduce a complaint regarding the processing of personal data.

Furthermore, if you believe that Superlinear did not act in accordance with the legislation concerning the processing of personal data, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority:

Data Protection Authority
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel
Tel: +32 (0)2 274 48 00
E-mail: contact@apd-gba.be

1.13 Modifications to this Privacy Notice

We can modify this privacy notice at all times. In order to keep you informed of the latest modification of the Privacy Statement, we shall adapt the revision date each time it is modified. The modified Privacy Notice shall enter into force as of that date. Please consult this page regularly to keep informed of any modifications and/or additions.

We will also proactively inform you about important changes to the Privacy Notice.

This document was last modified on July 17, 2020.

1. Privacy and Cookie Notice

This website (https://superlinear.eu/) and any Superlinear applications, including our job recommender system, are the property of, and are actively managed by, Superlinear BVBA, a Belgium based AI Solutions company, established at 1000 Brussels, Cantersteen 47, registered under number BE 0660.746.974.

At Superlinear we do our utmost to protect and process the personal data that are entrusted to us in a correct and transparent way, more particularly in accordance with the applicable law and especially with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (« GDPR »).

Any questions you might have about your privacy and our personal data processing activities can be sent towards hello@superlinear.eu.

1.1 To Whom does this Privacy Notice apply?

This policy applies to all individuals whose personal data we process (legally defined as “data subjects”), including customers, website visitors and application users.

1.2 What does this Privacy Notice cover?

With this privacy notice, we wish to inform you about how and why we process your personal data, to whom we transmit this information, what your rights are and how you can exercise your rights or request more information.

1.3 Why do we use personal data?

Superlinear will only use personal data for the following pre-defined purposes:

  • Core processing operations (as a data processor):

    • As a data processor, on behalf of our customers when we deliver consultancy services towards our customers;

    • As a data processor, when our customers use our application(s), such as talent API.

      • Talent API is currently the only application under development and owned by Superlinear . Talent API is a deep learning application which successfully matches CVs with job descriptions.

  • Supporting processing operations (as a data controller):

    • To register customers;

    • To provide customer service;

    • To improve user experience;

    • To improve our deep learning algorithms;

    • To inform you about our activities and upcoming events, products and services from Superlinear or its partners;

    • For reporting and analytics purposes.

1.4 How did we obtain your personal data?

As a controller, Superlinear gathers personal data only through direct interaction (e.g. mail, visit on our website, …) between you (as a data subject) and us.

Additionally, our customers also upload personal data to our applications.

1.5 What personal data do we collect/use?

Superlinear only collects/uses the following WP29 categories of personal data:

  • Identification information

  • Personal characteristics

  • Life Habits

  • Leisure activities and interests

  • Education and training data

  • Profession and employment data

  • Images

Only data that is proactively shared by data subjects, within a CV, can deviate from the aforementioned categories. CVs sent for hiring purposes are only used for the hiring process and are only visible by employees involved in that process. They are retained for a period of 6 months after consent for processing is obtained.

1.6 Why are we allowed to use your personal data?

During the registration process, you agreed with the ‘general terms and conditions’ for using Superlinear's services. This registration can be seen as a contractual agreement, which allows us to process your personal data for the execution of the defined terms & conditions.

During the registration process Superlinear also asks for your consent for a number of secondary purposes. Superlinear will only use your data for these purposes if you subscribe to these services.

Finally, Superlinear needs to comply with some legal (e.g. traffic legislation) obligations which require the processing of personal data in order to enable you to use its services.

1.7 To whom do we transmit your personal data?

Superlinear only transmits/shares your personal data with the following third parties:

  • To cloud service providers (Amazon AWS)

1.8 Cookie Notice

The Superlinear website uses cookies. Cookies are small files of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s or mobile device’s hard drive.

Superlinear uses the following categories of cookies:

  • Website analytics

  • Customer interaction trackers.

The use of cookies is generally accepted and virtually all websites and applications use them. However, you have the right to disable cookies if you do not agree with their functionality.

If you block cookies, certain website functionalities might be lost. The blocking of cookies is explained within the following links:

This website or application may contain links to other websites. Although we try to only insert links to websites that share our own standards regarding data protection, we are neither responsible for the contents nor for the policy regarding data protection of those websites. This privacy notice only pertains to data collected by Superlinear.

1.9 Protection of your personal data?

Superlinear protects the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data. We use various technological and procedural security measures in order to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, alternation or destruction.

1.10 How long will your personal data be saved?

Superlinear will not store your personal data longer than required for the purposes defined within this privacy notice. Radix employs variable retention periods and has defined different retention periods for different data categories.

As a general rule, we can state that we retain identification personal data of customers for as long as they are an active customer of Superlinear . A customer is considered active as they have done business with Superlinear within the last 24 months. The personal data of inactive customers will be actively deleted seven years after they become inactive.

We do not define retention periods when Superlinear acts as a processor, as we are legally obligated to follow the retention periods defined by our customers.

Superlinear might retain anonymised data for statistical purposes.

1.11 Will your personal data be used for automated decision-making?

Automated decisions are decisions about persons which are based solely on the automated processing of personal data without any human intervention and which produces legal effects that significantly affect the persons involved.

The Superlinear ‘Talent API’ application is a deep learning application which creates automated lists of individuals that would be most suited for a job, based upon the information within the data subjects CV and the job description. Talent API should be seen as a tool to facilitate finding the match between applicants and jobs and should not be used without human intervention, such as job interviews. Furthermore, Radix has taken measures in order to prevent discrimination through the algorithm, such as not taking into account the gender or race of the applicants. Also, the algorithm is driven partly by applicant preferences, and partly by employee preferences.

The data subject shall have the right not to be subject to a decision solely based on automated processing, including profiling and to exercise its right to object against automated decision making. However, Superlinear only provides the tool as a data processor. The right to object must, therefore, be exercised at the data controller.

1.12 What are your rights?

You have several rights regarding the personal data that we process. In particular, you have the right:

  • to access your personal data and to make a copy of it;

  • to ask us to update or correct your personal data, if you think it is incorrect or incomplete;

  • to ask to delete your personal data, or to limit the way in which we use those data, if you think that we do not (or no longer) have any legitimate basis to process it;

  • to revoke your consent regarding the processing of your personal data (insofar the processing is based on your consent);

  • to receive your personal data in a structured, conventional and machine-readable form and to transfer it to another party (insofar the processing is based on authorization or the performance of an agreement);

  • to object against the processing of your personal data for which we use explicit consent or legitimate interest as a legal basis.

You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to hello@superlinear.eu.

You can also use this contact information if you wish to introduce a complaint regarding the processing of personal data.

Furthermore, if you believe that Superlinear did not act in accordance with the legislation concerning the processing of personal data, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority:

Data Protection Authority
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel
Tel: +32 (0)2 274 48 00
E-mail: contact@apd-gba.be

1.13 Modifications to this Privacy Notice

We can modify this privacy notice at all times. In order to keep you informed of the latest modification of the Privacy Statement, we shall adapt the revision date each time it is modified. The modified Privacy Notice shall enter into force as of that date. Please consult this page regularly to keep informed of any modifications and/or additions.

We will also proactively inform you about important changes to the Privacy Notice.

This document was last modified on July 17, 2020.

1. Privacy and Cookie Notice

This website (https://superlinear.eu/) and any Superlinear applications, including our job recommender system, are the property of, and are actively managed by, Superlinear BVBA, a Belgium based AI Solutions company, established at 1000 Brussels, Cantersteen 47, registered under number BE 0660.746.974.

At Superlinear we do our utmost to protect and process the personal data that are entrusted to us in a correct and transparent way, more particularly in accordance with the applicable law and especially with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (« GDPR »).

Any questions you might have about your privacy and our personal data processing activities can be sent towards hello@superlinear.eu.

1.1 To Whom does this Privacy Notice apply?

This policy applies to all individuals whose personal data we process (legally defined as “data subjects”), including customers, website visitors and application users.

1.2 What does this Privacy Notice cover?

With this privacy notice, we wish to inform you about how and why we process your personal data, to whom we transmit this information, what your rights are and how you can exercise your rights or request more information.

1.3 Why do we use personal data?

Superlinear will only use personal data for the following pre-defined purposes:

  • Core processing operations (as a data processor):

    • As a data processor, on behalf of our customers when we deliver consultancy services towards our customers;

    • As a data processor, when our customers use our application(s), such as talent API.

      • Talent API is currently the only application under development and owned by Superlinear . Talent API is a deep learning application which successfully matches CVs with job descriptions.

  • Supporting processing operations (as a data controller):

    • To register customers;

    • To provide customer service;

    • To improve user experience;

    • To improve our deep learning algorithms;

    • To inform you about our activities and upcoming events, products and services from Superlinear or its partners;

    • For reporting and analytics purposes.

1.4 How did we obtain your personal data?

As a controller, Superlinear gathers personal data only through direct interaction (e.g. mail, visit on our website, …) between you (as a data subject) and us.

Additionally, our customers also upload personal data to our applications.

1.5 What personal data do we collect/use?

Superlinear only collects/uses the following WP29 categories of personal data:

  • Identification information

  • Personal characteristics

  • Life Habits

  • Leisure activities and interests

  • Education and training data

  • Profession and employment data

  • Images

Only data that is proactively shared by data subjects, within a CV, can deviate from the aforementioned categories. CVs sent for hiring purposes are only used for the hiring process and are only visible by employees involved in that process. They are retained for a period of 6 months after consent for processing is obtained.

1.6 Why are we allowed to use your personal data?

During the registration process, you agreed with the ‘general terms and conditions’ for using Superlinear's services. This registration can be seen as a contractual agreement, which allows us to process your personal data for the execution of the defined terms & conditions.

During the registration process Superlinear also asks for your consent for a number of secondary purposes. Superlinear will only use your data for these purposes if you subscribe to these services.

Finally, Superlinear needs to comply with some legal (e.g. traffic legislation) obligations which require the processing of personal data in order to enable you to use its services.

1.7 To whom do we transmit your personal data?

Superlinear only transmits/shares your personal data with the following third parties:

  • To cloud service providers (Amazon AWS)

1.8 Cookie Notice

The Superlinear website uses cookies. Cookies are small files of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s or mobile device’s hard drive.

Superlinear uses the following categories of cookies:

  • Website analytics

  • Customer interaction trackers.

The use of cookies is generally accepted and virtually all websites and applications use them. However, you have the right to disable cookies if you do not agree with their functionality.

If you block cookies, certain website functionalities might be lost. The blocking of cookies is explained within the following links:

This website or application may contain links to other websites. Although we try to only insert links to websites that share our own standards regarding data protection, we are neither responsible for the contents nor for the policy regarding data protection of those websites. This privacy notice only pertains to data collected by Superlinear.

1.9 Protection of your personal data?

Superlinear protects the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data. We use various technological and procedural security measures in order to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, alternation or destruction.

1.10 How long will your personal data be saved?

Superlinear will not store your personal data longer than required for the purposes defined within this privacy notice. Radix employs variable retention periods and has defined different retention periods for different data categories.

As a general rule, we can state that we retain identification personal data of customers for as long as they are an active customer of Superlinear . A customer is considered active as they have done business with Superlinear within the last 24 months. The personal data of inactive customers will be actively deleted seven years after they become inactive.

We do not define retention periods when Superlinear acts as a processor, as we are legally obligated to follow the retention periods defined by our customers.

Superlinear might retain anonymised data for statistical purposes.

1.11 Will your personal data be used for automated decision-making?

Automated decisions are decisions about persons which are based solely on the automated processing of personal data without any human intervention and which produces legal effects that significantly affect the persons involved.

The Superlinear ‘Talent API’ application is a deep learning application which creates automated lists of individuals that would be most suited for a job, based upon the information within the data subjects CV and the job description. Talent API should be seen as a tool to facilitate finding the match between applicants and jobs and should not be used without human intervention, such as job interviews. Furthermore, Radix has taken measures in order to prevent discrimination through the algorithm, such as not taking into account the gender or race of the applicants. Also, the algorithm is driven partly by applicant preferences, and partly by employee preferences.

The data subject shall have the right not to be subject to a decision solely based on automated processing, including profiling and to exercise its right to object against automated decision making. However, Superlinear only provides the tool as a data processor. The right to object must, therefore, be exercised at the data controller.

1.12 What are your rights?

You have several rights regarding the personal data that we process. In particular, you have the right:

  • to access your personal data and to make a copy of it;

  • to ask us to update or correct your personal data, if you think it is incorrect or incomplete;

  • to ask to delete your personal data, or to limit the way in which we use those data, if you think that we do not (or no longer) have any legitimate basis to process it;

  • to revoke your consent regarding the processing of your personal data (insofar the processing is based on your consent);

  • to receive your personal data in a structured, conventional and machine-readable form and to transfer it to another party (insofar the processing is based on authorization or the performance of an agreement);

  • to object against the processing of your personal data for which we use explicit consent or legitimate interest as a legal basis.

You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to hello@superlinear.eu.

You can also use this contact information if you wish to introduce a complaint regarding the processing of personal data.

Furthermore, if you believe that Superlinear did not act in accordance with the legislation concerning the processing of personal data, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority:

Data Protection Authority
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel
Tel: +32 (0)2 274 48 00
E-mail: contact@apd-gba.be

1.13 Modifications to this Privacy Notice

We can modify this privacy notice at all times. In order to keep you informed of the latest modification of the Privacy Statement, we shall adapt the revision date each time it is modified. The modified Privacy Notice shall enter into force as of that date. Please consult this page regularly to keep informed of any modifications and/or additions.

We will also proactively inform you about important changes to the Privacy Notice.

This document was last modified on July 17, 2020.

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Brussels HQ

Central Gate

Cantersteen 47

1000 Brussels


Planet Group Arena

Ottergemsesteenweg-Zuid 808 b300

9000 Gent

© 2024 Superlinear. All rights reserved.


Brussels HQ

Central Gate

Cantersteen 47

1000 Brussels


Planet Group Arena
Ottergemsesteenweg-Zuid 808 b300
9000 Gent

© 2024 Superlinear. All rights reserved.


Brussels HQ

Central Gate

Cantersteen 47

1000 Brussels


Planet Group Arena
Ottergemsesteenweg-Zuid 808 b300
9000 Gent

© 2024 Superlinear. All rights reserved.